East Bird Street Improvements
Project Description
This project will complete a gap of standard width pavement and pedestrian facilities along E. Bird Street with other recent improvements including modifications along Spilman Ave to connect Entwistle Street, the King County Snoqualmie Valley Trail, Fred Hockert Park, and to facilitate access to the central business district and schools. The project scope coincides with improvements being made along Tolt Avenue in order to bring cohesion to the existing network of roadways and pedestrian facilities in Carnation. Stormwater run-off will be infiltrated in a drainage swale, providing water quality treatment, groundwater recharge, and eliminate ponding. The project will also provide one gravel parking lanes.
Project Updates
This project is complete! Please join us for a ribbon cutting on Friday July 19, 2024 at 1:30pm.
06/21/2024: Our Project Team will be back on site on Monday the 24th. They will proceed with hydroseeding the grass bioswale, relocate and replace signage, and a few other final punchlist items. Pardon our dust. We are almost there
06/17/2024: We have a road! Today is the last day the crew will be on site until the 26th. Then they will stripe the road and we will create a final punch list for the project. We still need to iron out some evaluation differences in front of homes, hydroseed the grass bioswale, relocate and replace signage, and a few other final touches. The job is set to be completed by the 4th of July!
6/05/2024: Starting tomorrow (June 5th) the Project Team will be working on the road. They will start grinding down what is left of the current asphalt and place a cement type base. This base is strong and will allow the street to hold up to wear and tear. This cement type base needs curing time. There will be a road closure this weekend starting Friday. Please plan and park accordingly and reach out with any questions.
5/31/2024: We have sidewalks! The team will be cleaning up and distributing topsoil early in the week. Wednesday they will be prepping the road for grinding. There will be a road closure late next week. Residents will receive door hangers notifying them. The asphalt will be treated, and parts of the road may be closed over the weekend. Thank you and pardon our dust.
5/24/2024: Happy almost Memorial Day weekend! The crew is on site today (Friday May 24th) and will return Tuesday May 28th. The team will be continuing working on prepping and pouring sidewalks. The team will also start prepping the south side of the street shoulder work. If you drive Things are coming along nicely! Thank you and pardon our dust.
5/10/2024: Second week down! Next week the Project Team will be continuing to work in installing the stormwater infiltration on the north side of the street. If your driveway will be blocked, you will be notified. Any fence relocation is planned to take place the week of the 20th. You will be contacted prior to the fence being moved! Thank you and pardon our dust.
5/7/2024: To take advantage of the good weather rolling in, the Project Team is going to switch and start work on Wednesday May 8th by installing the stormwater infiltration on the north side of the street starting from Commercial. Any residents’ driveways that will be blocked, have been notified.  Thank you and pardon our dust!
5/3/2024: The first week was a success! The Project Team was able to clear and grade the right of way. Rain is anticipated over the weekend and into Monday. As of today (Friday May 3rd), the Project Team will be off site Monday and Tuesday (May 6th and 7th). The Team will start up on Wednesday (May 8th) working on grading and rocking the south side of the street working from Commerical to Spillman. The project team is hoping this will create temporary parking for the residents sooner in the project than anticipated! Thanks for the patience and pardon our dust!
-East Bird Project Team