County licenses
State licenses
Business Licenses
To conduct business in Carnation City limits, a business license may be required. The City of Carnation partners with the State of Washington Business Licensing Service where businesses register with both the city and state at one time. You will receive a business license from the state, showing both your city and state business licenses, about four to six weeks after submitting your application. Carnation business licenses are renewed annually. Please visit the link below or call 1-360-705-6741 for more information about ways to file your application. To make any changes to the legal entity name for your corporation, LLC or LLP, you must contact the Secretary of State at 360-753-7115.
- Apply for a Business License with the Washington Department of Revenue
- Find out if your business or trade name is registered with the State
If registering a business physically located in Carnation, your Carnation license will be subject to zoning approved by the City.
Temporary Business Licenses
Transient merchants, peddlers and solicitors must register with the City of Carnation must obtain a temporary business license from the City per Section 5.12.180 CMC.